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Monday, September 30, 2019

Lions Among Us

According to Mr. Edward Henderson, leaders are those people who can guide a work force into a path that leads to success and realization of goals by keeping the members of his work force committed, intact, and highly motivated. Moreover, managers of private clubs are those who extend their duties and responsibilities beyond the long-established and conventional roles of private club managers. They should be able to influence the members of their work force to create a reality out of their visions of success. Furthermore, Henderson has also presented what he calls â€Å"success factors.† These success factors are supposed to be instrumental in making private club managers successful in their field. This valuable piece of information was based on a survey conducted in 1994, which was administered to several managers. They were the ones who were responsible of narrowing down eight valuable factors that influence success. These success factors were also proven true by Henderson himself, as he has put great efforts to observe his colleagues who were private club managers themselves. In addition to the main success factors that will be discussed in the following statements, people who took the survey also included other factors that are important in success such as a reputable image, flexibility in working with diverse individuals or groups, communication and social skills, just pure luck, exerting effort and working hard, attitude and perspective in life, and continuous learning. Henderson has also noted that there is a strong connection between success factors and the successes of a leader. Although he himself, and all the managers who took the survey, could not argue with the fact that all success factors are significant in accomplishing success in their line of expertise. However still, everything depends on the work attitude and outlook of the manager. In addition, it is dependent on the nature and the background of the business that he is managing. The first success factor mentioned in the monograph is operational knowledge. Operational knowledge received the highest vote as one of the most important success factor. However, overall the most important success factor, it ranked second. It requires knowledge of the ins and outs of business, such as the technical aspect and expertise in handling the club. Expertise and knowledge of the business is achieved over time. Being in the business in such a long period of time is a learning experience for private club managers, especially with their experiences in success and failures in the past. The second success factor is integrity. It was the first most important success factor that was rated by the managers who took the survey. For those managers who took the survey, building a responsible and credible self as a private club manager makes one a true leader. Being aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses, distinguishing right from wrong, expressing appreciation and gratitude to one’s constituents, exuding good morals and virtues, and working for the purpose of serving, are just some of the aspects of integrity that makes it a factor in a leader’s way to success. The third success factor is being in the right club where a manager’s personality is suiting. In other words, private club managers must be able to be in position within a club that is fitting or appropriate for their personality and management styles. They attribute this idea with marriage. For them, being a private club manager is like building a relationship or marrying a person. There should be chemistry or the personality, style, beliefs, and attitudes of a manager must be in sync with the needs and nature of the club to succeed. Just as how two people should be in order to have a successful marriage. The fourth success factor is acquiring financial skills. According to the managers who took the survey, being adept with finance and accounting enabled them to gain respect and trust from their colleagues. Needless to say, the finances of an organization are the indicator of its success or its failure. The fifth success factor is intelligence. The challenges and the demands of the private club industry require broad knowledge and skills in order understand the comings and goings within the club and also to understand human behavior and predict outcomes. According to the managers who took the survey, intelligence coupled with the right experiences and skills acquired equals great leadership and success. The sixth success factor is the ability to persuade others. Persuasion or the skill of one person to influence the behavior of a person is very significant in accomplishing success at present. A great leader must be able to persuade or influence others, his subordinates, colleagues, and everyone who he comes to work with, to lean to the direction of success and accomplish the vision of the club. The seventh success factor is authority. Perhaps authority comes with the previous success factor, which is persuasion. The ability to persuade must be coupled with authority that is in order to persuade people, the leader must exude authority and firmness among them. Although there are several issues raised about authority and its limitations, people cannot argue with the fact that authority is very important in dealing with all aspects of the private club industry. However, with authority comes great responsibility and sound judgment. The eighth success factor is social grace. Although several managers regard as least important in achieving success, they could not also deny the fact that being skilled in communication and interacting with other people is important. After reading all the factors that influence success as a private club manager, I have come to understand the qualities and skills that one should possess in order to be a great leader for the club as a whole and his constituents. Although all the success factors and much more, are instrumental in the achievement of great personal and group success in the field of private club management, I feel that the most important of all is intelligence. First, intelligence gets you to the position of a private club manager. As we all know, being intelligent and knowledgeable about the business makes one a potential and a strong candidate for a private club manager position. It is instrumental in getting one started, and intelligence keeps one going in the business. Moreover, intelligence equips you with the capacity to acquire all the other skills that are important in the business such as financial and social skills, being knowledgeable of the operations and processes that go on within the business, and even in the ability to persuade others, intelligence plays a role. Intelligence is also a major factor that spells out authority. For instance, one becomes granted the opportunity to become a private club manager because of one’s knowledge of the business. Through this, one gains support, respect and trust from colleagues, subordinates, board members, and other people one comes in contact with because of one’s ability to be knowledgeable in all aspects of the business, even for example in finance and accounting. Essentially, it drives one to learn more about the developments and changes in the industry making one capable of dealing with future obstacles and challenges. Therefore, one is able to persuade other people into working together as members of the club in order to attain their goals and objectives. Generally speaking, intelligence does not only get you the job, but it also guides you and lets you experience success and gets you out of failure. It lies in all aspects of the eight success factors that are why it is important.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chuck Staley, A Case Study of Leadership Excellence

This case study will be based upon a comparison of principles found in John C. Maxwell’s book, â€Å"The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership†. This text is foundational in the development and demonstration of successful leadership. It is my opinion, that Charles E. Staley, commonly known as Chuck Staley, personifies many of the mandates of a great leader as suggested within the context of Maxwell’s book. It comes as no surprise that when asked by Madison County Chamber of Commerce President, Kyle Morey, â€Å"What book has inspired you the most? †, Chuck’s reply was, â€Å"Leadership† by John C. Maxwell. Although not every one of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is Chuck’s strengths, many are. I will discuss the demonstration of those strengths in the following paragraphs. Who is Chuck Staley? Chuck Staley is a lifelong resident of Anderson, Indiana. Shortly upon graduation from high school, Chuck joined the United States Marines, s erving as a Corporeal in the First Marine Division in 1964-1967 during the Viet Nam conflict . He married Lynn Vicars on July 14, 1971 and has two children, Catherine (Staley) Daniels and the late David Staley. Chuck is the current President and Chief Executive Officer of the Flagship Enterprise Center (FEC), which was created in 2003 through a partnership between Anderson University and the city of Anderson. Through Staley’s vision and guidance, the FEC has assisted in the creation of 104 companies and over 2,000 jobs. The FEC has grown steadily as it has added new businesses over the past decade and is currently located in a Center consisting of nearly 300,000 square feet. Success was not merely recognized at the local level, but in the FEC was named a U. S. Department of Commerce Center of Excellence under Chuck’s leadership. Since its beginning, the Flagship under Staley’s leadership has forged alliances with Purdue University, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and the US Department of Commerce. In 2011, the FEC began another partnership when Staley, Frank Levinson and Ann Wilson opened the Levinson Center for Social and Faith Based Entrepreneurship. The Levinson Center is located within the Flagship and specializes in businesses and organizations that innovate in the areas of environmental, humanitarian, educational and social issues within the framework of sustainability and sound business principles. The Levinson Center has launched nine organizations to date that range from energy independence for coastal Alaskan Indian villages, to Teachers of Promise in Kenya and a new educational paradigm, called the Impact Center, for nontraditional minority students in Anderson, Indiana. With Staley in leadership, national recognition has become common for companies such as COEUS and Echo Drive as they have captured markets in the technology field. Furthermore, The Flagship has begun to have impact globally with the addition of Greenville Technology Inc. (GTI), Altairnano, an energy storage company, as well as hosting the headquarters of Keihin North America. Staley has provided growth for many small business by developing an industry leading Microloan program including small business consulting. The Microloan program has had tremendous impact on business incubation and maintains the status of issuing the most microloans of any location in Indiana, with most loans being issues to women and/ or minority owned businesses. 3 Staley has chaired several boards, including the Anderson Plan Commission, White River Development Commission and the GM Blue Ribbon Commission. He was President Elect of the Madison County Chamber of Commerce, co-chairman of the World Class City Forum, and co-founder and Director of Energize East Central Indiana. He is currently chairman of the board of directors for Community Hospital Anderson and serves on the board of the recently launched Impact Center. Staley also serves as the President and CEO of the RSI Facilities Group, a consulting, engineering and management group, which has been involved in several commercial, industrial and residential projects. Although Staley has found success in leadership, he continues to pursue lifelong learning experiences like that of the Leadership Academy of Madison County (LAMC). Not only is he an alumni of the organization, but continues to support LAMC in the development of other emerging leaders. The information compiled in this document contains data and narrative from research. It also contains information from personal interview and observation. As a citizen from Anderson and Madison County and an employee of Anderson University, I have witnessed Chuck Staley’s leadership over past decades. I have watched him develop neighborhoods, businesses, and people. This account of leadership is both objective and personal. I am not alone in my respect for his leadership. Most recently, Staley received the prestigious Sagamore of the Wabash award. The Sagamore of the Wabash award, created by Gov. Ralph Gates in the 1940s, is considered one of the highest awards that can be bestowed by the governor of Indiana. It is a personal tribute usually given to those who have provided a distinguished service to the state. (Pendleton Gazette, 2013). 4 How does Chuck Staley exemplify leadership in reference to the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership? John Maxwell begins his book suggesting that there are 2 critical components leadership. Maxwell states, â€Å" Serving others and showing others the way† both essential in demonstrating successful leadership (Maxwell, 2007). Chuck Staley has done this in various ways. As mentioned earlier, he serves on many different boards and is involved in various community endeavors. Not only has Staley made it a habit of profession, but he is thoughtful and kind to many and all types of individuals he comes in contact with, young, old, educated, or challenged. A student of Robert Greenleaf’s writings and teachings from the Center for Servant Leadership as well as the teachings on servant hood from the Bible, Staley embraces opportunities to lead by â€Å"doing with and for† others. A servantleader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. â€Å"While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the â€Å"top of the pyramid,† servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. † states Greenleaf. (2013). In organizations like the IMPACT Center in Anderson, IN, Staley assisted in the beginning of the vision for the organization. He gave of his time, influence, and expertise to make a dream a reality for many minority leaders in his community. As the CEO of the Flagship Enterprise, Staley has partnered with Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs like Anderson University’s Falls School of Business to develop young entrepreneurs and business students by hosting them as interns at the FEC. He has assisted in developing contracts with the businesses that the FEC helps incubate that also give opportunities for students and graduates to develop their skills under the guidance of those at the FEC. Many of these students (25-30%) have gone on to incubate business of their own. 5 Law #1-Law of the Lid. Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The law of the lid states that one’s â€Å"leadership ability-for better or for worse-always determines your effectiveness. ( pg. 1) Chuck has proven over the years that his lid is set at a high level because his leadership has demonstrated impact. While building the momentum at the FEC, Staley built strong relationships with those in his inner circle, those he had to engage with to position the business for success, and potential clients. He built a small team of individuals who maintaine d the same leadership, vision, and passion that he had developed. Staley worked with them to manage, lead, and incubate businesses under the guidance of and team management and servant leadership. Staley always built teams that focused on organizational effectiveness but were very aware that they must also be personally effective as leaders to reach capacity as an organization. The leadership teams at the FEC have been very successful as they have become the states leading small business microloan lender even surpassing that of Bloomington and Lafayette. But when asked, Staley readily suggests, that leadership is the issue. â€Å"Creating a vision that people can get behind and supporting them as they empower others is a key element that I promote,† commented Staley, when asked about the success of the FEC. It is apparent that he takes his responsibility seriously and works with great effort to build a team that leads with the same beliefs and priorities that he holds. Law #2-Law of Influence. The true measure of leadership is influence-nothing more, nothing less. The law of influence would argue that if one doesn’t have influence, one will never be able to lead others. (pg. 11). Staley is skilled at seeing opportunities and going after them as an entrepreneur, however, his skill goes beyond entrepreneurship. In a business of taking risks, Staley is up for the task. He operates with an 80-20 philosophy, where he takes calculated risks when he hits the 80% risk reduction benchmark. Never wanting to miss opportunity that comes along, Staley will 6 allow for a standard of risk. He can only operate at that level by having influence with those around him. There is a trust factor that is afforded the decisions that Staley makes, knowing that even in the 20% risk zone where failure may occur, Chuck will take opportunity to learn and move forward, always seeing new possibilities in each failure. His influence allows him the privilege to operate a this capacity and have others support him in the effort. Economic Development Director, for the City of Anderson, Greg Winkler recognizes the influence that Staley has and invites him to be engaged with businesses and the public whenever change or challenges present themselves. Winkler recognizes Staley’s leadership and influence and keeps him in close counsel with most economic development decisions being made in the city. Law #3-Law of Process. Leadership develops daily, not in a day. â€Å"Persistence† is a word that is often used to describe Staley. As counsel for business incubation with businesses like Bright Automotive, Staley spent years visiting funding sources like the United States Department of Commerce (USDC), Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the State of Indiana to advocate for financial investment and support. Advocating is a process. Staley believes in the long haul and staying dedicated to the process. He believes that discipline in process keeps you focused and organized, professionally and personally. In a recent interview, Staley confirmed what others had observed. He has a daily routine that includes the discipline of person growth and spiritual development. Staley considers himself a lifelong learner and takes time daily to read and reflect on professional and personal issues. He recently stated, â€Å"I want to experience quality of life well into old age. That doesn’t happen by chance. † Staley realizes that change, planning, development, and growth don’t happen over night. Being committed to a process and disciplining one’s body , mind, and spirit are all an essential part of Staley’s day to day routine. 7 Law #4-Law of Navigation. Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course. When asked what experiences in life have best shaped his leadership philosophy, Staley is quick to respond about his military experience during his formative years of life. Staley began serving in the United States Marine Corps at the young age of 17. At the time he enlisted, his mother had to sign the papers because he was not yet of age. By the time that Chuck left the Marines four years later as a Corporeal Sergeant, Staley had developed leadership strategies that still play an important role in his success today. He adopted the method of working as a team. The Marines worked in teams of four men. Roles were well defined for the individual, but all effort and progress was made as a team. The team was large enough that it offered expertise, but small enough that it could move quickly. They were given responsibility and clearance in the field that enabled them to work and move in the directions they thought were best and necessary without micro-management from different levels in the chain of command. Staley learned that you never leave anyone behind, and that you look out for those on you team. You always had the good of the team in mind,† reflected Staley. â€Å"The team strategy and the need to see the big picture, was a big take away from the Marines. † he continued. This strategy and method continue to make Staley effective in charting the course for current business innovation. Maxwell states in his book, â€Å"First rate navigators always have in mind that other people are d epending on them and their ability to chart a good course. † (pg. 39) Staley learned that decades ago and applies it to his relationships today. When Staley enters into business development processes for the businesses he is assisting with, he is looking out for the team, with their agenda in mind, and not his own. He doesn’t suggest that there are not mistakes along the way, but he takes time daily to reflect on the decisions of the past in effort to inform current and future business and personal decisions. 8 Law #5-Law of Addition. Leaders add value by serving others. â€Å"I believe the bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others. That is achieved by serving others and adding value to their lives. This statement from Maxwell is echoed by Staley in many of the messages he delivers to individuals and groups throughout the state and country. When addressing graduates of the Leadership Academy of Madison County in 2012, Staley re-enforced all that he had learned through the study of Robert Greenleaf many years prior. This philosophy of service to others regardless of title or position is implemented in every area of Staley’s influence. Not only has Staley received numerous recognitions and awards over the years for his commitment to community and service to others, he has nominated and recognized many others. Two of the Madison County Athena Award recipients in the last three years have been women nominated and supported by Staley and his belief in their ability to lead through service to others. Staley is quick to remind listeners, that his study of the Bible and the call to be like Christ, a servant to all, impacts his behavior. He is careful to reflect daily on the truth that God desire us not only to treat people with respect, but also to actively reach out to them and serve them. Law #15-Law of Victory. Leaders find a way for the team to win. Failure is not an option. It wasn’t in the Marines, and it isn’t at the FEC. In fact, when questioned about recent perceived failures in the venture with Bright Automotive, a green technology for a workforce fleet of trucks and vans, Staley defends the process by suggesting that many new relationships and business were began at the FEC as a result of the venture with Bright. To Staley, although the outcome was not what was first envisioned and hoped for, but the lessons learned and the outcomes post venture have led to new levels of success and progress. 9 Bright Automotive wasn’t left with a huge dept and forced to close it’s doors. Staley established strong relationships with other companies on their behalf, and Bright was able to join other green automotive technologies and continue to impact technology. Staley was noted as saying, â€Å"Obstacles are tests that serve to prove, or disprove a hypothesis. Nothing more, nothing less. † He has learned that obstacles and challenges provide opportunities. You reflect, learn, implement new strategy and move on. â€Å"Failure doesn’t stop you, as a leader you find a way for people to win. Law #11-Law of the Inner Circle. A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him. Chuck Staley has opportunity to bring many individuals into his closest circle. But Staley understands the value and responsibility of maintaining relationships with those who are closest to you. Staley has a list of those he considers peers by age, expertise, or influence that h e consults with on a regular basis. Any time he is contemplating change, innovation, or entirely new ventures, Staley consults with those in his inner circle. Those individuals include: Greg Winkler, Director, Economic Development for the City of Anderson; Rob Sparks, Executive Director of the Corporation of Economic Development in Madison County; Tom Snyder, President of IVY Tech Community College; Mike Pence, Governor of the State of Indiana; Lani Czarnieki, District Director Congressman Mike Pence; Keith Trent, Vice President/Chief Foundation Officer, Community Hospital Anderson; John Watters, former CEO Bright Automotive; Sena Landey, Vice President for Finance Administration Earlham College; and his wife of over 40 years, Dr. Lynn Staley, Professor Emeritus of Ball State and current Superintendent of Liberty Christian Schools. Staley contributes all of his successful decisions and planning to the wisdom gained from the friendships and expertise of those in his inner circle. 10 Law #18-Law of Sacrifice. Leaders must give up to go up. Chuck Staley is a private man. He relishes time alone to contemplate, reflect, and create. His greatest pleasure in life comes from spending time with his family, including his newly wedded daughter and son in law. Understanding that sacrifice comes with leadership, Staley submits to the tightly filled schedule of events, meetings, speaking engagements, ground breaking ceremonies, strategic planning sessions, and media releases. He does recognize the fact that in order to be an effective leader, one must give up many things including personal space. â€Å"Keeping a low profile as a leader is not an option. † commented Staley when asked what he has had to give up in his role of CEO of the FEC. â€Å"It is difficult to be so public. Like many leaders, Staley finds that it can be isolating at the top. He works hard to remain part of the team and work from ground level, but at times when the leaders is the one to cast the vision, draw the buy in, and make hard decisions, he realized he must step up. Although Staley values his investment in people, he realizes that at times it is at the expense of those in his family. His routine and discipline allow for balance, but he acknowledges that the re are only so many hours in a day, and you must give up something to get something, even in relationships. Law # 21– Law of Legacy. A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession. Recently, upon receiving the Sagamore of the Wabash Award from Governor Mike Pence and local state legislators Terri Austin, Jack Lutz and Tim Lanane, Austin said in a press release, : I am particularly pleased that this recognition gives us a chance to recognize that Chuck Staley has been committed toward linking economic development and social awareness. Although Staley isn’t planning on walking away from the FEC in the immediate future, he is aware that day will eventually come and he is working diligently to make the connections and grow the leadership to carry on the success of the Flagship and the collaborations that exist because of its existence. 11 Staley has a goal for his life. It is to leave his community and central Indiana economically stronger and healthier by creating more opportunities for individuals and families to experience quality of life and success as a result of his service to God and others. He hopes to create a brighter future for those who come behind him. Although there are many other attributes one could demonstrate in regard to Chuck Staley’s leadership abilities in comparison to the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, time and space has permitted me to only list a few. During my interviews and research with Chuck, I discovered several things that I thought were noteworthy about his life, passions, habits, and thoughts. All of these notations could be found in the application of Maxwell’s laws of leadership. I would like to share a few of those with you now. Staley spent 12 years on the Madison County Chamber of Commerce. When asked about his impact, Staley commented that he encouraged others to think about â€Å"the bigger picture†. He promoted collaboration as a way of behaving in business, even over competing. I asked his colleague to tear down walls due to the fact that in these economic times, â€Å"one can’t build walls high enough to keep others out†. He advocated that businesses think in terms of taking a piece of the pie instead of consuming a entire pie. During his tenure, the Chamber developed two new associations; Females in Business (FAB) and the Young Professionals Association (YPA). They also developed the Mad9 Mixer. Mad(ison)9 is a partnership of nine Madison County organizations with the common mission of realizing a positive vision for the future of our business community and region. Mad9 set the standard of relationship building beyond boundaries by helping businesses and civic leaders connect, communicate, and create commerce. The partnership’s first initiative is to connect business and ivic leaders once a month around the county (north, south, east and west). 12 When asked about his proudest achievements at the FEC, Staley responded with these facts: The FEC is the #1 Microloan processor in the state of Indiana. The FEC has been recognized by the Indiana Business Journal as the #1 creator of jobs in Indiana. The FEC has loaned over 74% of it’s microloans to women, minorities, and disabled service Veterans. Staley credits his philosophy of â€Å"taking care of each other† from the Marines. He also creates an environment that rewards and recognizes hard work because of the declaration learned in the military that you â€Å"Earn what you get. Nothing is given to you. † When asked what he considers to be his strengths in leadership, Staley commented, I am visionary. I am persistent. I do not keep personal agendas. I tap into collective wisdom. I seek counsel from those smarter than myself. I lead with confidence, which allows me to elevate others and seek advise and wisdom from others. Staley’s response risk taking: â€Å"I utilize the 80-20 rule. I am confident in a decision of data at 80% suggest it’s the right decision . I am willing to risk the 20% in order to capture opportunity. If you wait until you are 100% sure you are making the right decision, the opportunity will pass you by. Opportunities at the 80-20 level will offset any losses you might endure using the rule. If I allow others to use this rule and people do make mistakes, I allow them that privilege. We just learn, recover, and move on. In the world of innovation and entrepreneurship, there is always risk involved. You must seize opportunities and refuse to play it safe 100% of the time. Staley’s favorite quote: The seven most important words in the English language, â€Å"Never give up, never, never, give up. † Winston Churchill. 13 Leaders that have had impact on Staley: Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, George Patton, Chesty Puller, Jesus Christ. The kind of individuals Staley tries to attract /recruit to his team: Compe tent Innovative Self motivated Positive Mission driven Team Players Staley’s method for change: Staley advocate that you follow the V Method. Any change, good or bad, results in a temporary negative response. Good changes eventually result in higher levels on the V, bad changes in lower levels. Poor leadership makes change more difficult. People panic and make further changes. What results is change continues down the V. It is wise to implement change slowly, carefully, and not all at once or in succession. About establishing priorities: â€Å"Life is full of nice things to do, successful people do the necessary things first. I do first things first. † In conclusion, the example that Chuck Staley has set for effective leadership has had great impact on the community and in business. He has developed his own philosophy of leadership based on his life experiences and the wisdom of other successful leaders. He lives his life in a way that creates value in others and opportunities for innovation, improvement, and success. In so many ways, Staley exemplifies the truth found in the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership of John Maxwell’s book. It has been a lesson in leadership just to have researched and communicated with Staley myself. He is truly a hometown hero in leadership for the City of Anderson and Madison County.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Poverty in the USA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Poverty in the USA - Research Paper Example For a person to get a satisfying job, he/she needs to have the quality education (Kotler, 12). Most students leave school due to diverse reasons such as early pregnancies or drugs; hence, cannot find a rewarding job. Monetary instability causes low quality or no education at all. Many youths desire to advance their education and acquire rewarding jobs. Unfortunately, their parents and guardians are unable to pay their fees; thus they have to abandon school to secure jobs and help their parents pay debts. Â  Therefore, they create a cycle that never ends, that is from uneducated parent to an uneducated child. American citizens’ faces poverty since they can not grant the manpower needed to ensure a boost in the country’s economy. Majority of the developing states globally lives in destitute scarcity. The wealthy states such as America are a source of refuge to the growing states. They are perceived as ‘lands of opportunities’. America is one such country, of ten referred to as the world’s superpower nation because of her stable economic. This makes it a niche for citizens of developing countries to scramble for employment possibility from its citizens and illegal immigrants. Since the immigrants can settle for any amount of money they are mostly offered jobs, unlike the Americans. The immigrants can work for the extra time, and do multiple jobs. For this reason, they further deny employment opportunities to the citizens who meanwhile, are fighting with the youths for menial jobs.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Long question answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Long question answer - Essay Example Here, some of the differences between the terms recruitment and selection are being enumerated which are very basic and initial in nature, for the purpose of the betterment and the clear understanding of the line managers. One of the foremost differences between the recruitment and selection is that of the nature of the processes. The former is a positive process which includes the calling of all the applicants or candidates for the job opening or employment and the latter is a negative process which includes the choosing of the suitable or appropriate candidate or applicant for the job opening. But some further light should be shed on the differences between recruitment and selection. The term recruiting means the process of finding the suitable candidates for a specific job. The criteria are given in the advert or the recruiting agency or the HR office or any other place. All the persons that meet the criteria of the respective advert are able to recruit themselves with the employment agency or what ever the source may be. There is no discretion of the administration of the respective agency or the source, in terms of hiring or not hiring the person who meets the criteria defined for the recruitment. Therefore, if a person meets the criteria of recruitment then, the manager or even the high administration cannot stop him from being hired. The condition is that he meets the criteria perfectly and is not disqualified otherwise. The most common example of the recruitments is the Army of any country. Let us take the example of U.S military. Once a person has cleared all the tests and the physical training programs, which are criteria for the recruitment of military, no one can stop him from being a part of the U.S military. It is hoped that the concept of recruitment is clear to some extent. Some light is now shed on the other term, known as selection. Selection is referred to as the opposite of recruitment in some cases. Most

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organisational change management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Organisational change management - Essay Example Firstly, the nature of change is highly problematic. Forces that are responsible for change are economic conditions due to business cycle (external force) and changes in business strategy (internal force). Such change requires modifications in organisational processes. The change being introduced is transformative which may appear abrupt and highly random to the workforce (Bovey and Hede, 2001). Such implementation of the desired cost-cutting regime can introduce panic and anxiety in the existing workforce. The main challenge is to keep the existing workforce after the shutdown motivated and willing to be on job for a longer period as employee turnover can add to more costs. Secondly, the product development team is basically responsible for innovation in D2’s products that have been the main competitive edge of the workforce. Therefore, it is important for D2 to retain this talent. However, relocating this whole team may not be viable as team members may resist it. Forced rel ocation would not provide steady developmental progress (Baker, 1989). The given scenario presents resistance from employees be the central challenge faced by the management. Where cost-cutting is the intended objective, heavy employee turnover can add to HRM costs. ... Another challenge faced by the management is the manner in which change is lead by the key managers. Since employees are highly vulnerable whenever change is introduced, therefore being authoritative and forceful instead of providing support and open communication channels can initiate change failure (Bovey and Hede, 2001; Yuh-shy, 2011). All these factors are dependent on employees’ resistance that may take place due to multiple reasons. Theoretically speaking, it can be seen that there are environmental, perceptual, cognitive, emotional and cultural blocks that may hamper effectiveness of the change management process (Piderit, 2006). Detailed analysis of main factors behind employees’ resistance can be lack of job security, loss of autonomy and career growth, social factors and lack of support from management (Bryant, 2006; Dent and Goldberg, 1999; Robbins and Judge, 2009). Jobs have tendency of affecting personal and professional needs of the employees. Once a porti on of a workforce is laid off, rest is likely to feel threat to their own economic stability. In addition to that, some of the employees resist change not for only specific reason but to display their power and influence when a threat to their authority is perceived. These changes are also perceived to bring alterations in organisational culture and policy model that may not be welcomed by the workforce. In the given scenario, position of B2 team is of specific importance. This is so because this team is responsible to provide D2 with products that provide management an edge over other market players. This team greatly benefits from its strategic location. It is present amidst of region where major product development activities of auto industry take

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Internet Banking in Malaysia and Singapore Essay

Internet Banking in Malaysia and Singapore - Essay Example The Companies that understand the benefits of introducing Internet based business techniques are transforming their business processes to Internet based business. This trend has also effected the process of traditional retailing through outlets. There has been a considerable research on the effects of online sale on traditional business methods and consumer behaviour for example (Sindhav and Balazs, 1999; Reardon, 2002). The main aim of the paper is to summarise what has been written so far about on line sale and its impact and to propose a methodological approach in order to conduct a research concerning the Impact of e-commerce security, and national environment on consumer adoption of Internet banking in Malaysia and Singapore. The regression analyses suggested that consumer perceived non-repudiation, trust relative advantage Internet experience and banking needs are the most important factors that affect adoption in Malaysia. While Internet experience and banking needs were found to significantly affect Internet banking adoption in Singapore. Last two decades have seen multi-fold progress in the use of Internet. (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000; USIC and IITA, 2000). Nua Internet Surveys have reported an increment in the number of Internet users globally, statistics state the users are increased in all regions of the world from 171 million in 1999 to 304 million in March 2000, an increase of 78 percent (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000; USIC and IITA, 2000). The accessibility of the consumers to different products and services has also been increased. In order to respond to the changing needs of the customers businesses are also applying new techniques to capture a vast market, (Ram et. al., 1999). The advent of Internet has also changed the way of undertaking business. With the increase in the number of users the companies find it cost effective and easy to reach a mass market through Internet as compare to the traditional methods of addressing the customers. Especially in the developed countries the role of Internet has become crucial in designing the business strategy of a company. On the other hand at the consumers side Internet has provide them with an array of products and choices available. The approach of business is also changed. (Zwass, 1996). Through Internet the competition has also increased which put pressure on the manufactures to keep the prices low. Furthermore, the businesses, which are using on line selling approach, do not have to face the geographical constraints; a large no of customers can be addressed with undertaking a single effort (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1999). The advantages attached to the notion of Internet have made it the most important driving force of the business revolution. Like all the other Internet based business processes online shopping is gaining popularity among people due to its characteristics of easy access, 24 hours availability, current Information and price reduction. In the busy world of 21st century the tradition of on line shopping has become necessity. The increase in the importance has also given rise to different challenges, which need to be addressed in an effective manner. The researcher has identified different standards, which should be fulfilled by the businesses in o rder to respond

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Advantages Of Reading In Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advantages Of Reading In Modern World - Essay Example The first greatest benefit of reading books is that they can help people cultivate reading and language skills. This is why books are perused more in a classroom setting than movies; by reading books, students learn a variety of comprehension skills. Books offer visual words, which is something that television and movies are incapable of. Spoken dialogue can introduce people to new words, though this lacks the ability for people to see the words in writing. People can learn new words and understand important grammar and punctuation skills through reading. Furthermore, the more than an individual reads, the better they become at reading. It does not matter what type of book a person reads, or how long it is or the genre. All books have that element of offering words for people to increase their reading and language skills. The next perk that comes with reading books is that people can enhance their concentration and memory. Television shows and movies, with their continuously moving images and sounds, provides a plethora of distraction for viewers. Even though watchers usually do not have difficulty in comprehending what is taking place and they are able to follow the story, their attention is still easily drawn from one element of the show to another. It is no different than trying to talk to a friend in a crowded hallway; the conversation can still take place, but the attention of the friends is constantly moving about. Books only provide words and, depending on one’s taste in books, pictures. There is very little involved when it comes to reading. As such, not only are people able to read with every bit of their attention directed at the story, but they can also learn to use that concentration in other aspects of their life.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Fish Depletion Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fish Depletion - Research Paper Example In addition, advancement in technology enabled more areas of the oceans to be exploited. According to a report by the Food Agricultural Organization, an estimated 25 percent of the global fish species have been depleted or fully exploited (Srinivasan 183). It is however unimaginable to have a world without marine life. More than 2.6 billion people in developing countries depend on fish to provide them with animal protein and depletion of fish stock would affect food security and nutritional status of this people. Moreover, fish depletion would have significant impacts to the world economy given that fishing industry employs more than 150 million people and is a source livelihood for the poor (Srinivasan 183). The causes of fish depletion include overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction, climate change and invasive species. However, human causes are the cause of fish depletion. The paper will analyze the causes of fish depletion and recommend ways that will help reverse this trend. Causes of Fish Depletion The first main cause of fish depletion is overfishing where fish species are trapped at a rate that is faster than they reproduce (Scrimgeour, et al. 957).Overfishing is the biggest threat to fish population more than even the contribution of pollution. Overfishing results from better fishing methods and high demand for fish products are blamed for overfishing. Overfishing is a serious environmental issue given that depletes adult fish leaving fish that are not able to breed. The period between 1950 and 1994 saw the ocean fish catch grow by more than 400 percent and by 1998 the total global fish catch was approximated to be 93 million tons which and subsequent years were followed by a decline in the fish capture (Clare 73). The reduction is an indication that overfishing has led to fish declines. The main reason behind overfishing is due to global fishing vessels that are currently five times larger than the equipments that are required to sustainably catch fish produced in the oceans (Clare 73). In fact the worldwide active fishing vessels have a capacity to fill four planets equal to earth’s surface (Clare 75). Overcapacity is therefore removing fish at a rate faster than their rate of breeding. In addition to overcapacity of the fishing vessels, most fishing methods being used currently lead to negative impacts to the ecosystem. Bottom trawling for instance is a poor fishing given that it uses a non-selective fishing method and heavy gear leading to destruction of marine life. The method destroys fish breeding grounds and kills some fish species. Some fishing gears used currently also lead to trapping of fingerlings which are then killed thereby reducing the fish stock. In some developing countries, there have been cases of fishermen using mosquito nets whose pores are too small thereby catching the young fish. This has led to high rates of fish depletion with current data indicating that over 50 % of the fish stock are full y exploited, 20 percent have been moderately exploited while a further 17 percent is overexploited (Tsitsika et al. 731). 7 percent have been completely depleted although only 1 percent is recovering from depletion. In 1992, the formerly thriving cod industry came to a halt after there was no fish as the fishing season began (Tsitsika et al. 731). The other main cause of fish depletion is increased rates of pollution. Ocean pollution is negatively affecting the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fieldwork report Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fieldwork report - Personal Statement Example While reporting this session, I will also examine these aspects. Being a senior registered nurse in a Hong Kong Hospital, it is part of my duty to teach the fellow nurses and nursing students. In my work as an infectious disease nurse, coming across patients with infection is a daily routine, but as a nurse, I must be able to follow the hospital guidelines regarding infection containment. There are certain theoretical principles that guide these infection prevention policies, and isolation is one of them. Like every hospital, our hospital also sends suspected patients to isolation so spread of a particular infection and related contagious disease is prevented (Hospital Authority, 2006). There are certain places where such a patient is to be restricted during the span of the disease, and once the patient is no longer contagious, the patients is discharged to a step-down unit. The relevance of these guidelines are to be understood by the students and nurses, so they can follow the hospital guidelines accurately based on their understanding on the t opic (Preventing Transmission). After I was entrusted to conduct a teaching session, I made thorough preparation to design the course content, the audiovisual aids, and hand out questionnaire to assess knowledge of the participants at the end of the session. The date of my session was scheduled to be on September 18, 2008. Report on the Session The session was held on September 18, 2008, in the hospital lecture theater. It was a well illuminated, spacious sound-proof room with state of the art and comfortable seating arrangement. There was a modern public address system, and the teacher is supposed to talk through it. The audiovisual head sets were available for each student, but since the group was large, all new headsets could not be arranged for all. At the end and also in the feedback form, quite a few of the students complained about disturbed hearing, and sometimes, they could not even follow the lecture (Bahn, D., 2001). There was a podium, where I was standing and talking, and the podium had been structured in such a manner that all students can have an equal view. There was computer set up in the room, an internet connection, and the computer was connected to an LCD projector. The functions of these were checked and rechecked before the session began so technical failure does not happen. I must accept that once on the podium, I was feeling a little shaky, by voice was dry, and was perplexed for a moment or two, not able to pick my words. However, I was careful to demonstrate openness of my personality, and in the introduction while setting my topic, I made it clear that we shall learn together. This broke the ice, and a healthy learning environment was set up immediately (Bastable, S., 2003). I also informed that whenever they think they are having difficulty following, they are welcome to stop me and ask questions, and I would heartily entertain them. I also mentioned that there are time constraints in the programme, and they should not ask anything unnecessary or irrelevant during the session. At the end of the s

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Question Conservation of Energy Essay Example for Free

Question Conservation of Energy Essay Missy Diwater, the former platform diver for the Ringling Brothers Circus had a kinetic energy of 15 000 J just prior to hitting the bucket of water. If Missys mass is 50 kg, then what is her speed? Solution: According to energy conservation, the kinetic energy at the bottom of the dive (15,000J) is equal to her gravitational potential energy before the dive. We can use this fact to find her dive height: PE = mgh h = PE/mg = 15,000J / (50kg)(9. 81m/s? ) 31m (rounded) Her speed can also be found from energy conseration: E(final) = E(initial) 0. 5mv? = mgh v = v[2gh] = v[2(9. 81m/s? )(31m) = 25m/s 2. A 750-kg compact car moving at 100 km/hr has approximately 290 000 Joules of kinetic energy. What is the kinetic energy of the same car if it is moving at 50 km/hr? Solution: KE =v^ 2 (Kinetic Energy = speed ^2 If the speed is reduce by a factor of 2 (as in form 100 km/hr) then the KE will reduce by a factor 4. Thus,the new KE = 290 000 J / 4 KE = 72 500 J 3. A cart is loaded with a brick and pulled at constant speed along an inclined plane of an angle of 30o to the height of a seat-top. If the mass of the loaded cart is 3. 0 kg and the inclined distance of the seat top is 0. 45 meters, then what is the potential energy of the loaded cart at the height of the seat-top? Solution : PE = mgh PE = 3 kg x 10 m/s/s x 0. 45m PE = 13. 5 J 4. A 75kg trampoline artist jumps vertically downward from the top of a platform with a speed of 5m/s. How fast is he going as he lands on the trampoline 2m below? If the trampoline behaves like a spring of spring constant 5. 2E104 N/m, how far does he depress it? Soluiton : a) s = 1/2(u+v)t 2. 0m = 0. 5 * 5m/s * t 2. 0m = 10 * t t = 2. 0m/20 t = 0. 1s b) Hookes Law states F=kx x is the displacement of the spring (depression) F = Restoring force k = spring constant Rearrange. x = F/k What is the force upon hitting the trampoline? We have the mass so lets work out the acceleration. Acceleration = velocity/time Acceleration = 5/0. 1 = 50m/s^2 F=ma F = 75*50 = 3750N Substitute into Hookes Law x = 3750/(5. 2*10^4N-m) = 0. 072m of depression

Friday, September 20, 2019

British Airways Leadership Style

British Airways Leadership Style Examining Leadership style in British Airways 1. ABSTRACT This is a study which examine the leadership in British airways and also evaluates their leader i.e. Willie Walsh using the relevant theories on leadership. Also critically evaluate the leadership style that is required for the success of British Airways. Reflections on leadership styles used in our previous jobs are also provided below. 2. INTRODUCTION 2(a). LEADERSHIP Leadership has and will always be an important factor in human affairs. In todays time it has become essential for organisations to have a good leader for its success at the same time its becoming challenging to find the right type of leader for the job as mentioned in (Kotler, 1988) Leadership is an activity, that of influencing the behaviour and beliefs and feelings of other group members in an intended direction as mentioned in (wright taylor, 1984). Leadership is only a part of the managers job not the whole thing. According to (Posner Kouzes, 2002, p. 13) 5 common practices of all leaders Model the way Inspire a shared vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart 2(b). BRITISH AIRWAYS British Airways Plc is the UKs biggest international scheduled airlines. They not only have scheduled services but also operation of international and domestic carriage of freight and mail, and ancillary services. British Airways fly to more than 300 destinations. It was established in 1910 it was formed to preserve the records and artefacts of British Airways predecessor companies BOAC, BEA, BSAA and the pre-war Imperial Airways and British Airways Ltd. BA was the first to launch the worlds first daily international scheduled air service between London and Paris. It was a public sector company which in 1981 LordKing was appointed Chairman he was then charged by the SecretaryofStateforTrade to take all necessary steps for privatisation. (Airways) British airway has been known to have problem with its employees, being punctual , and financial losses from a very long time it had major problems in the beginning of 1980 which 2(c). WILLIE WALSH He was born on 25th of October1961 in Dublin, Ireland. In 1979, he joined Aer Lingus as a cadet. During his years as a pilot he was a chief negotiator for the union of pilots. He acquired a Masters degree in management and business administration from Trinity College, Dublin and later became a CEO of Futura in 1998 before he became a CEO of Aer Lingus 2000. Here he turned a loss making organisation into a profit making organisation within 6 months by reducing cost and selling painting and art from their office and also by cutting jobs. In 2005 he resigned from his position as the government refused to privatise the air lines. compiled from the various annual reports of the Aer Lingus Currently he is the CEO of British Airways. In May 2005 Willie Walsh became a Chief Executive Designate, after Rod Eddington as Chief Executive on 1 October 2005. He was hired as British Airways were wanting to reduce cost and make themselves into a low cost airlines. From the annual reports of the British Airways 2(d). FRAMEWORKS USED Trait Theory Michigan and Ohio University Studies Transactional, Transformation and Charismatic Leadership Situational Leadership Theory 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Globalization has made companies compete not only in the domestic but also in the global markets, and the demand for an effective leadership has become highly important. Many studies exist on the subject of leadership; this is mainly due to the fact that leaders are responsible for the main essential task in an organization such as creating, sharing and exploiting organizational knowledge, enabling an organization to grow (Bryant, 2003). There is no specific formula for being a good leader many scholars over the years have debated over the fact what makes a good leader. Earlier scholars believe that leaders were born and the skills to be a good leader cannot be achieved over the years one such theory is The Great Mans Theory other earlier theories such as Trait theory studies the various traits of a good leader and states that only people having such traits can be good leaders. Even this theory believes in leader are by birth. However the more recent theories look at the behaviour and not the traits and personality. Kouzes and Posner state that Leadership is an identifiable set of skills which are available in all men and women not just in a few charismatic and gifted people (Posner Kouzes, 2002) The following theories are used by me to analyse the leadership style of Willie Walsh in context to British Airways Trait Theory By Stogdil (Stogdil, 1974) There are various theories on traits of leaders they all have a few common qualities that are required by a good leader. This theory believes that leaders are born and the skills and traits of a good leader cannot be acquired over a period of time. Stogdil in 1974 identified and suggested the following traits and skills as critical and existent in all leaders TRAITS SKILLS Adaptability to situations Alert to social environment Ambitious and achievement orientated Assertive Cooperative Decisive Dependable Dominant i.e. having a desire to influence others Energetic Persistent Self-confident Tolerant to stress Willing to assume responsibility Clever Conceptually skilled Creative Diplomatic and tactful Fluent in speaking Knowledgeable about group task Organised (administrative ability) Persuasive Socially skilled Michigan Ohio Studies Michigan University had conducted various studies on leadership in the year 1950. There research showed that leaders could be broadly divided into three categories depending on their characteristics. Task oriented behaviour- Leaders would concentrate on task and not on building a relationship with their subordinates. They did not do the same tasks as their subordinates they concentrated more on activities like scheduling planning coordinating and providing the resources for their subordinates to perform their tasks. Relationship oriented behaviour- These leaders not only focused on task oriented but also gave importance to building up relations with their subordinates helping them not only in their careers but also in their personal lives thus forming a bond with their subordinates more than close control. They believe in rewarding their subordinate with both Intrinsic as well as extrinsic ways. They basically provided the goal and left it onto their subordinates to decide the path they wanted to take. Participative leadership- These leaders include their subordinates as team members in their decision making process at the same time their decision is final independent whether it matches with the decision of the subordinates. These leaders are nature good team leaders. Such leaders are more facilitative than directive while solving problems. These leaders are more effective for teams rather than individuals. Transactional, Transformation and Charismatic leadership Transactional leaders believe that people can be motivated either by reward or punishment. They create clear structures as to the requirement of what is expected from the subordinates and what would get them rewards or punishments. the subordinate is fully responsible for the work given to him no matter what ever the circumstance that caused the failure. According to Bass a transactional leader comprised of contingent reward (CRW), active management by exception (MBEA), and passive management by exception (MBEP). (Bass M. B., 1985) Transformational leaders are leaders have a vision of transformation that excites and converts potential followers. These leaders may or may not be aware of the way that leads to fulfilment of the vision. Such a leader comprises of idealized influence (II), individualized consideration (IC), intellectual stimulation (IS), and inspirational motivation (IM). (Bass M. B., 1985). Charismatic leadership are leaders who attract followers using their personality, charm rather than using any form of external power or authority. These leaders while interacting with a person make the person feel extremely important. They spend a lot of time learning their environment Bass mentions that a transformational leader also will emphasize on higher motive development, and arouse followers motivation by means of creating and representing an inspiring vision of the future (Bass B. M., 1997) Situational Leadership Theory- The main school of thought of this theory is that there is no one way of leadership style. It states that a leader who uses different leadership styles dependant on the situation he is in (Hersey Blanchard, 1988). This theory has been proposed by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey. This model allows you to analyse the various needs of the situation a leader may find himself in and suggest the most appropriate leadership style for the situation. source (Hersey Blanchard, 1988) As seen above this theory divides leadership styles into the following categories Directing (S1)- This leaders is a high directive and a low supportive behaviour orientated Coaching (S2)- This leader is high Directive as well as high Supportive behaviour oriented Supporting (S3)- This leader is a high Supportive and low Directive behaviour orientated Delegating (S4)- This leader is low Supportive as well as low Directive behaviour orientated (Huczynsky Buchanan, 2007) For this model to be successful it is extremely important that the leader should accurately judge the confidence and motivation of his followers. From all the above theories we see that there is no one best way to predict a successful leader. All the above theories have different ways of looking at leaders. The best way to examine whether a person is a good leader or not is to study him is comparing him to various theories on leadership. 4. EXAMINING BRITISH AIRWAYS LEADERSHIP STYLE The main reason for British Airways to select Willie Walsh as their CEO was because at that time British Airways was facing stiff competition from low cost airlines. His success as a leader in Aer Lingus an Irish flight carrier which was almost on its way to bankruptcy and then Willie Walsh stepped in not only turning the carrier into a profit making carrier but also one of the most successful carrier of Ireland. During the analysis I found Willie Walsh to have the following characteristic from the various articles written on him. Intimidating- as his peers were afraid to raise question about T5 at Heathrow before it was inaugurated. Peers are not involved in decisions- He was found to seclude himself and his colleagues found it difficult to approach him (Michaels, 2006). He is very strong minded and confident He does what he believes to be correct with or without any fan following (Walsh, 2009) Hugely energetic, Hard worker and a workaholic he has not taken a vacation for the past 3 years (Walsh, 2009) His work is only professional no emotions- This is the main reason as to his success at turning flight carriers profitable as he does this by cutting cost by job cuts. Tuff leader who rules with an iron fist- his peers at Aerlingus use to call him Slasher Walsh. Confrontational- He is always involved in the meeting with the union and management. Now he sits on the managements side but earlier he use to sit on the unions side. He is ruthless in his decision- He fired 2 of the oldest managers of British Airways over the terminal 5 fiasco (Milmo, 2008). He believes in leading by being a role model- He and Keith Williams, finance director of BA worked unpaid and requested the staff also to consider unpaid leave or working part time (Travel Weekly(UK), 2009) Linking Willie Walshs leadership style to Trait Theory From the above table we observe that Willie Walsh has most of the traits and skills that are required by a successful leader Linking Willie Walshs leadership style to Michigan and Ohio University studies Michigan Ohio University studies classify Willie Walsh as a leader with Task oriented behaviour. This is seen as he does not maintain any relationship he is only is interested in work if he feels someone is redundant or not doing his work efficiently he fires them. (Nexis,UK, 2005). He also expects his employees to get the work given to them whether or not they have the resources and capability to do the work given to them. Linking Willie Walshs leadership style to Transactional, Transformation and Charismatic Leadership Willie Walsh follows a transactional style of leadership. As he is task oriented and does not believe in building relations. He believes that the salary given to employee is a reward for their work and in case they dont do their work properly they should be punished. Thus motivation for doing the job is either reward or to avoid punishment. He is not supportive to them in their work or personal lives as a transformational leader would be nor does he have the qualities of a charismatic leader as people do not follow him by choice but by compulsion. He also does not take out time to know his subordinates and what would motivate them. Linking Willie Walshs leadership style to situational leadership Willie Walsh can be placed in the S1 quadrant as he has a high directive and a low supportive oriented behaviour. However the theory states that a leader should be flexible and should change his style from time to time depending on the situation however the data collected on Willie Walsh does not show any signs of flexibility and he follows the same leadership style. Thus we can say that according to this theory Willie Walsh is not a good leader. Evaluation Reflection Critical Conclusion Bibliography Bibliography Airways, b. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 22, 2009, from www.ba.co.uk Bass, B. M. (1997). Does the transactional-transformational leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries? American Psychologist , 52, 130-139. Bass, M. B. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, . New York: Free Press. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. H. (1988). Management of Organisational Behaviour: Utilising Human Resources. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Huczynsky, A. A., Buchanan, D. A. (2007). Organisational Behaviour (6 ed.). Pioltello: Rotolito Lombanda SPA. Kotler, J. P. (1988). 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(2003), The role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership in Creating, Sharing and Exploiting Organizational Knowledge, Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies, 9 (4), pp. 32-44